Research Council
The Research Council is a deliberative and advisory body dedicated to research-related affairs and it is chaired by the Prorector for Research and Innovation.
The Council is composed of:
• the Prorector for Research and Innovation, as President;
• the Research Coordinators of the Schools and Campuses (or, exceptionally, a researcher indicated by the School Dean or Campus Director that holds a doctoral degree for at least 5 (five) years;
• student representatives – scholarship holders from undergraduate or graduate programs – indicated by their student bodies, in the proportion of 1/5 (one-fifth) of the non-student members of the council.
According to article 23 of the Statutes of UFSC, the Research Council shall:
I – Propose to the University Council research-related policies and specifications;
II – Act as an appellate body in the area of research in cases of lawlessness charges in processes originating in the Councils of Schools and Campuses;
III – Develop and approve operating rules for the council;
IV – Propose to the University Council standards and guidelines on faculty workload;
V – Establish assessment policies for research activities;
VI –Express opinions on matters, proposals or plans pertaining to its area of operation;
VII – Elect the representatives of the council jointly with the University Council (the nomination of more than one representative per School or Campus is prohibited).
To see the current list of members, click here.
To see the Council’s Bylaws, click here.